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Michelle Gillespie

The Formula: B + M = A

  • BAM

From our inception, MDE has been focused on our screening and selection of potential new members, and new BAMers. We choose to work with men and women who will commit to “making money – AND – making disciples.” Not one or… Read More »The Formula: B + M = A

MDE 2.0

  • BAM

It’s been about 10 years since the vision for MDE began to emerge. There were many wonderful missions sending organizations. Some had been around for 100 or more years. Yet the missions climate was changing rapidly – in both the… Read More »MDE 2.0


If you’re a regular reader of our newsletter, you know about BAM: Business and Mission. BAM is at the core of our calling. It’s the synergistic commitment made by missional entrepreneurs to make money and make disciples – through the… Read More »RAM Meets BAM

On a Journey to Meet Needs

Marketplace & Development Enterprises has a unique service model. BAM entrepreneurs pay a small monthly membership fee, which provides them access to all of our BAM support services: business guidance and accountability, mission mentoring, personal support, and more. These services… Read More »On a Journey to Meet Needs