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Empowering Others for BAM

  • BAM

Rob* is an MDE member and BAM venture owner, to whom we provide business and missional support services. He resides in a bustling city in South Asia. Rob spends his day fielding calls from Asian suppliers and Western buyers. As… Read More »Empowering Others for BAM

Uganda: Rising above Poverty

  • BAM

“Our goal is to connect Christ-followers with opportunities and resources that encourage and enable them to use their vocational skills and passions in unreached communities for the purpose of teaming with others in planting healthy, reproducing churches through the natural… Read More »Uganda: Rising above Poverty

Business…and Mission

  • BAM

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17, NIV) In one simple sentence, the Apostle Paul captures our calling… Read More »Business…and Mission

In Good Company

  • BAM

Expats who are called to be salt and light in unreached communities have many common experiences. MDE seeks to be a student of their histories and insights so that we can offer business and mission support services where they are… Read More »In Good Company