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If you’re a regular reader of our newsletter, you know about BAM: Business and Mission. BAM is at the core of our calling. It’s the synergistic commitment made by missional entrepreneurs to make money and make disciples – through the… Read More »RAM Meets BAM

On a Journey to Meet Needs

Marketplace & Development Enterprises has a unique service model. BAM entrepreneurs pay a small monthly membership fee, which provides them access to all of our BAM support services: business guidance and accountability, mission mentoring, personal support, and more. These services… Read More »On a Journey to Meet Needs

Empowering Others for BAM

  • BAM

Rob* is an MDE member and BAM venture owner, to whom we provide business and missional support services. He resides in a bustling city in South Asia. Rob spends his day fielding calls from Asian suppliers and Western buyers. As… Read More »Empowering Others for BAM

Uganda: Rising above Poverty

  • BAM

“Our goal is to connect Christ-followers with opportunities and resources that encourage and enable them to use their vocational skills and passions in unreached communities for the purpose of teaming with others in planting healthy, reproducing churches through the natural… Read More »Uganda: Rising above Poverty