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Faculty of Advisors

Position Description

MDE’s  Faculty of Advisors (FoA) is a core element of the Business and Mission (BAM) services we provide to our member-clients. Our team of advisors are believers and experienced professionals willing to volunteer their skills in service to MDE members who are creating, launching, and operating a BAM venture. The volunteer members of this Faculty agree to be “on-call” to help answer a specific question or provide guidance on a particular issue in their area of expertise for any MDE member as that question or issue arises. There are also occasions where Advisor expertise may be requested to support an internal project that MDE is working on.

We seek individuals with experience in all of the diverse functional areas needed by BAM venture operators. Business skills would include marketing, sales, systems, production, distribution, entrepreneurship, law, tax, accounting, manufacturing processes, HR, finance, IT, general management, organizational structuring, etc. Missional skills would include mentoring, disciple-making, church-planting, language acquisition, cultural adaptation, etc.  Personal marketplace or missional experience in cross-cultural situations or specific regions of the world is especially helpful.

Time Commitment

A volunteer Advisor might spend anywhere from one to five hours assisting an MDE member-client with a particular issue. We do not anticipate calling on Advisors more than once a month.