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Multiplication of Impact

  • BAM

Harry T. Jones, a volunteer advisor for MDE, is at the stage of life where Business and Mission (BAM) is the only model that makes good sense. “I spent my life measured by money,” said Harry, and it took a short-term trip to Central Asia to open his eyes to something more. They visited several businesses, and although the business owners were young in their faith, they had caught on very quickly to the idea of business and mission.

Encouraged by his pastor, Harry decided to double down on the gospel-centered impact their company was having, employing those whose backgrounds would make them a hiring risk. Understanding that their business was a mission released a lot of energy. Profit for a purpose was revolutionary. The emphasis became preparing the next generation of leaders to take the baton. Together, they moved from ROI (return on investment) to MOI (multiplication of impact).

Passionate about guiding fellow entrepreneurs, Harry focuses on sharing insights through his website Cultivating Impact and LinkedIn and online mentoring. His book Succession Planning for Impact: 7 Steps to Build a Significant Life and a Company That Will Outlast You addresses the concern of owners who want to secure lasting impact.

In the global BAM movement, succession planning is an emerging topic as businesses thrive and have the potential to outlive their founders. Jones emphasizes the importance of defining a business’s desired impact, asserting that while success can be fleeting, true significance is everything.

We’re thankful for Harry and so many volunteers like him who are committed to sharing their experience and wisdom with our BAM entrepreneurs in unreached communities around the world.