Baseball season in the US is coming to a close.. As the off-season approaches, teams will begin searching for players to fill crucial slots.: “We need a great left-handed reliever” or “gotta find a long-ball hitter.” These teams have a clear vision for winning and a strategy for filling specialized roles. Nothing wrong with that! Many businesses and mission organizations are structured that way, too: they recruit individuals to join their teams for the organization to achieve its goals. That definitely works.
When it comes to our Business and Mission entrepreneurs, MDE flips the paradigm. Our mission is to join you–the BAMer–in the holy calling you have already discerned, building the business you’ve envisioned, in the place you’re called to go. Our MDE team joins you to help you fulfill your call and accomplish your mission.
We don’t put a lot of new requirements on you–to follow our processes, complete our reports, serve in our places, attend our meetings, or adopt our methods and measurements. You get the picture. Rather, we assemble a team of volunteer business and missional experts–tailored to your needs. They are willing to invest the necessary time to understand you and are enthusiastic about realizing your vision. They come alongside you, providing the structure, resources, insights, and guidance you will need at each stage of growth in your business and your mission.
Following your call might take you to lonelier and more difficult places than you would go if you played a role on a bigger team. That’s why your MDE team also provides personal care and spiritual support along the journey.
While we don’t require you to do things our way, we do have a couple of non-negotiables for each BAMer we agree to serve. We expect that you will be fully committed to making money in your business and making disciples in your mission. And we further expect that you’ll embrace the personal accountability your MDE team brings for those two equally important purposes. We do so–not to check our boxes–but because we know that fulfilling your call will depend on it.
BAM is definitely not for everyone, and neither is MDE. But if you’re looking for a business and mission support team to join you in your calling, let’s talk.