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BAM Team Manager

Position Description

MDE recruits and trains spiritually mature business professionals willing to volunteer their time and expertise in support of BAM ventures. We equip each BAMer with a support team bringing diverse business skills and experience — from the initial concept to planning, to launch, to scaling and then to reproducing. 

The BAM Team Manager (BTM) is the leader of this volunteer MDE business team, providing ongoing and consistent support to the BAM venture. Other business volunteers serve as experts on our Faculty of  Advisors (FoA), providing specialized advice and/or services to many BAM ventures on a just-in-time basis. The BTM serves as the project manager and the primary contact and coordinator between the BAMer and MDE staff and other FoA members. In fulfilling this role, the BAM Team Manager acts as a business coach, consultant, resource coordinator, and accountability partner. It is a critical role!  

For this role, we seek individuals with diverse experience and skills in business start-ups, management, growth strategies, sales, manufacturing, distribution, etc. Personal experience in specific industries and in cross-cultural business situations is especially helpful.

Time Commitment

We have found that it takes just 4 or 5 hours initially to establish a relationship and become familiar with the client and their BAM venture. From there, the BTM will meet with their BAMer monthly for an hour or so via Zoom or an equivalent. There may also be some email communication and document sharing during the month. With prep and review time, this volunteer role generally requires a time commitment of 2-3 hours per month. Some BTMs choose to meet with their BAMer client more often and some even decide to support a second BAMer.